Other Links
Check out other sites, connections, friends and affiliates of Courtenay Pollock's tie dye:
My Blog site - Courtenay's Blog
Dead.Net - Grateful Dead official Site now owned by Rhino Records- direct link to Dead Works: https://www.dead.net/search-results?search=courtenay%20pollock
The Old Hippie's Groovy Site - Cool old hippy stuff
http://www.justthegratefuldead.com/ Licensed Grateful Dead & Jerry Garcia merchandise.
http://www.thetreeshepherds.com Tree Shepherds: Friend Matt Robertson's band from Vancouver BC
http://www.gratefuldeadtributebands.com/ Compass Rose welcomes you to the Grateful Dead Tribute Band site, celebrating a year of helping friends find band schedules, links, and contact information for nearly 300 Grateful Dead Tribute bands, world wide.http://www.rukind.com/ A link to many Grateful Dead music forums and gear auctions
http://gratefuldead.magnify.net/ Many wonderful You Tube links of the Grateful Dead.